Investment Philosophy
At Eamon Capital Management, we strive to build the most efficient portfolios by maximizing portfolio return for a given level of risk with an eye towards reducing excess fees.
We leverage our extensive institutional investment experience, understanding and ability to take advantage of various inefficiencies across financial markets.
We utilize a top-down approach focusing on general long-term price movements in various asset classes rather than the performance of individual company stocks or bonds. Our goal is to identify and exploit the differences between fundamental value and current market prices across asset classes. These perceived value/price discrepancies are the foundation for short and long-term views around portfolio construction.
We minimize costs through the elimination of mutual fund load charges, and where appropriate, by picking the lowest-cost exchange traded funds (ETF) options. Our access to lower cost, institutional strategies actively managed by industry leading fund managers is fundamental to our portfolio construction philosophy. While we are always active in our management of clients portfolios, the tools we use to implement investment strategies can be either actively or passively managed.